Edgar Brasil
Edgar Brasil was born on June 21, 1902 in Germany. He was baptized Edgar Hauschildt, and his surname Brasil was adopted later on. He was a polyglot, a draftsman, a public official and worked for the first time as a cinema photographer in “Brasa Dormida”, by Humberto Mauro. He was introduced to Mário Peixoto by Adhemar Gonzaga. Edgar photographed “Onde a Terra Acaba“, both Mário’s and Octávio’s versions.
Edgar Brasil worked for Carmen Santos, Cinedia filmmaking company and Atlântida and Vera Cruz studios. Peaceful and skilful, he was described by Mário as a man of nature, the projectionist who was born for the touching spit sand and natural landscapes. “My subconscious is always Edgar who keeps showing me angles like a movie screen”. (In “O cinema caluniado”, O Jornal of May 6, 1937). Edgar Brasil was the guardian of the film from 1942 up to his death on January 4, 1954.

Rui Costa
Jayme Rui Costa Abollo Martines was born in Porto, Portugal, in 1909. He came to Brazil in 1913 and settled down in Rio de Janeiro. He attended the National Academy of Fine Arts. His participation in “Limite” as a general assistant resulted from his friendship with Edgar Brasil. Everything suggests that Rui Costa was the one who handled the 16mm camera to shoot “Limite”. He also worked as a scenographer in “Onde a Terra Acaba”, by Gabus Mendes. The short motion picture called “Marambaia”, shown together with “Limite”, was probably directed by him.
He composed, together with Gabriel Antônio Nássara, a lively carnival tune called “Formosa”. He performed roles in the revue theater, on the radio, in the movies and on TV. He worked in the following movie studios: Cinedia, Sonofilmes (he was the major director of this studio), Atlantida and Flama. Rui Costa died in 1980.